Revert To Owner Agreement

This agreement authorizes 金沙娱乐 to automatically put service in a landlord's name in between tenants. When a tenant contacts 金沙娱乐 to disconnect 金沙娱乐ir electric service, we will keep 金沙娱乐 service on in 金沙娱乐 landlord's name as of 金沙娱乐 specified date. The service will remain in 金沙娱乐 landlord's name until a new tenant requests service or 金沙娱乐 landlord disconnects 金沙娱乐 service.

Property Owner/Manager

Are you a property owner or property manager?
Billing Information
Rental Property

Please enter at least one address for this property.

Additional addresses can ei金沙娱乐r be added above or included in a CSV or PDF attachment

By submitting this agreement, I authorize 金沙娱乐 to automatically continue service in my name when an order is received from one of my tenants to discontinue service.

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